Sport Governing Bodies
Scottish Athletics
We have been working with Scottish Athletics since 2019, supporting their member clubs with incorporations and guidance in the areas of governance, gift aid and more.
We have delivered a number of face-to-face workshops and online webinars, produced guidance in the form of PDF documents and videos and met with, and supported clubs with, the process of incorporation.
Deliverables: ongoing support to member clubs in areas of incorporation and legal structures, development and production of specific guidance documents and resources, delivery of educational workshops and webinars.

Scottish Golf
Scottish Golf represent our newest Sport Governing Body partnership, kicking off in March 2023. As part of the partnership we are delivering a series of workshops for golf clubs on the subject of incorporation, legal structures, charitable status and more. Via a dedicated Scottish Golf's fund, clubs are also able to benefit from Club Development Consultancy expertise with the process of incorporation.
Deliverables: ongoing support to member clubs with incorporations/charitable status, delivery of educational workshops/webinars.

Bowls Scotland
We first started working with Bowls Scotland in 2020 and have delivered a range of webinars for their member clubs on the issues of incorporation and charitable status. We have also supported Bowls Scotland members with the incorporation process directly, helping Auchertmuchty Bowls Club incorporate as a Scottish Charitable Incorporation Organisation and establish their bar/social club as a subsidary.
Deliverables: production of PDF guidance on matters such as the Trust Registration Service, webinars/workshops on legal structures, direct support to clubs with incorporations of charitable organisation and company subsidaries.

Netball Scotland
We have been working with Netball Scotland since 2021, supporting their associations with the process of incorporation.
Deliverables: direct support to regional associations with the process of incorporation.

Scottish Swimming
We began working with Scottish Swimming in 2023 by undertaking a feasibility report for one of their member clubs regarding a new legal structure.
Deliverables: production of a report and attendance at meetings regarding a new legal structure for a member organisation.

Scottish Squash
We first started working with Scottish Squash in 2022 through the delivery of a webinar for their member clubs on the topic of incorporation/legal structures and charitable status.
Deliverables: Delivery of a workshop on incorporation/legal structures and charitable status.

We provide a range of services to clubs across all sports. Click a badge to see how we have supported the club.