The Baillie Gifford grants programme supports grass roots community organisations across the whole of Scotland. It replaces Foundation Scotland’s Express Grants programme.
The fund will consider applications that fit at least one of the following priorities:
People affected by homelessness
People affected by substance abuse
People affected by domestic abuse
Food / financial / digital security
Young people
People affected by loneliness
Care experienced young people
Children and families
The environment
The elderly
Health and disability
Grassroots sports
Improvements to IT equipment
Geographical areas funded: Scotland
Fund type
Type of funding:Grant
Type of cost:Capital, Revenue
Fund award sizes
Notes on award amounts:
Can only support applications where the grant request is at least 25% of the total costs. Please do not apply if your project as a whole costs more than £20,000.
Who can apply
Only constituted groups, with a governing document, can apply. Annual income in the most recent financial year must be less than £250,000.
When to apply
Applications can be submitted at any time and decisions take approximately 10 weeks from receipt of your application.
How to apply
Online application form via Foundation Scotland website.
Organisations with an annual income of more than £250,000
Statutory organisations; work in schools, during school/lesson hours
Grant requests for less than 25% of the project costs
Trips abroad
Second hand vehicles
General fundraising appeals or activities
Projects which are mainly for the advancement of religion or politics
Projects which do not benefit people in Scotland
Retrospective funding