Our Services
We provide a range of services for clubs and Sport Governing Bodies.
If your club is interested in community asset transfers, charitable status, incorporation, gift aid, raising capital or developing facilities, we can help with our network of highly experienced, qualified and licensed practitioners. Furthermore, as a social enterprise, our fees are very reasonable and set at an affordable rate for sports clubs.
However, don't just take our word for it, check out the testimonials left for by some of our clients.
To date, we’ve supported the incorporation of over 40 sports organisations across Scotland. This includes semi-professional football clubs such as Annan Athletic (as a Community Benefit Society), Dunbar United (as a Community Interest Company) and multiple amateur grassroots clubs of all sports and sizes (as Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations).
Our support includes assistance selecting the right legal structure for your club, drafting a suitable constitution for that legal structure, application to the regulator and transferring assets to the new entity. We have club-specific rules/constitutions pre-approved by regulators which can make the process more manageable, not to mention huge experience in the field.
We can often support clubs through the entire process for as little as £1000 (although a final sum will depend on any complexities/specific requests your club might have – e.g. if the club is creating subsidiaries).
Gift Aid and Community Amateur Sport Club Registration

If your sports club is eligible, you can become a community amateur sports club (CASC).
You’ll get:
tax relief on income, gains and profits from some activities
Gift Aid repayments on donations
business rates relief
We can help register your club as a CASC and start claiming Gift Aid through HMRC.
Community Shares

Need to raise capital for facilities? Raising investment through community shares is a great way to secure the right type of finance for your community project. Whatever the enterprise, the key element is that they are run by and for the community, and serve a wide range of social aims. Benefit from the support of our consultants and use community shares.
We’re licensed practitioners of Community Shares and have helped sports clubs raise more than £6 million.
Due Diligence and Financial Reporting

Seeking ownership of a club or asset? Benefit from a bespoke due diligence report to inform your decision making and business planning.
To date we've supported clubs as broad ranging as grassroots athletics clubs to professional football clubs with due dilligence reports.
Membership & Payment Management Platform

Volunteering can be a busy and thankless task so whether it’s managing day to day duties or maintaining a compliant club, supported by nearly 250 design features, your time and effort needn’t be stretched with our preferred membership and payment system.
Make your money work harder, faster and further and with less effort. This system helps Increase revenue, free up time, automate administration and reward members with features such as automated membership fees and gift aid claims.
Fundraising Support

Speak to us about fundraising through grants. We can help clubs raise much-needed income through our expertise in funding. We have helped sports club raise over £50 million in funding through grant funding and community shares to date.
Community Asset Transfers

Community Asset Transfers (CATs) could be increasingly relevant to sport organisations as recent research suggests that the impact of COVID19 will mean many community facilities will not re-open.
According to a recent survey of public operators, current forecasts are that around 116 public sport, leisure and culture facilities across all regions of Scotland alone – including 18 leisure centres and eight swimming pools – are facing permanent closure as a result of the lockdown. A further 900 that could re-open may not do so for some time. This threat to our facilities also presents an opportunity for sports organisations to take ownership of them through CATS.
Find out how we could support your club with a CAT application.
Workshop Delivery

We run workshops on a range of topics for Sport Governing Bodies and clubs, including:
Community Asset Transfers
Legal Structures and Incorporation
Charitable Status, Compliance and Gift Aid
Funding and Fundraising